Tuesday, January 19, 2010

From Sgt. Amanda Propst:

Sheriff Boydston,

On Wednesday, January 13th, the detention center was extremely busy both on the housing floor and in booking. While we are busy every week day anymore, this day was extremely stressful due to the day's events and the fact that inmates were being brought in seemingly by the dozens. Stress levels were HIGH for everyone, but the staff did an excellent job handling the work and just rolling with the punches.

I would like to commend the entire dayshift crew that worked that day, along with the receptionists, for taking it as it came and handling it professionally and as efficiently as possible. While we were snowed under in booking, the housing floor staff kept everything under control and handled inmate movements as quickly as they could to assist us in booking. In addition to this e-mail, I have dropped a blue ticket in the box for the following personnel: Dep. Polston, Dep. Wolfe, DO Phillips, Dep. Cashatt, DO Hamilton, DO Walker, DO Thurston, CCO Stock, DO Augustin, Dep. Zimmerman, CCO Jones, DO Linard, CCO Ragan, DO Stock, DO Hansmann, BT Ferguson, Dep. Hicks and DO Dorsey. And because of their patience and assistance I have also included Snooks Wright and Kay Mitchell.

Last, but definitely not least, I would also like to thank the nightshift, who took the mess head on when they came in and didn't bat an eye or grumble about anything! When everyone works together to get the job done, regardless of what department or what shift they are on, it makes things run more smoothly for everyone and it is GREATLY appreciated!